Vulkan Renderer study

Vulkan Renderer study

A study of the Vulkan renderer of the book Mastering Graphics Programming with Vulkan by Castorina and Sassone.

Mastering Graphics Programming with Vulkan by Castorina and Sassone is a fantastic book that covers many modern rendering techniques implemented in an open source rendering engine called Raptor.

Aside from learning these techniques, my objective is to make improvements and extensions to the Raptor engine.

Below, you’ll find a series of summaries of and annotations for the contents of the book, and, hopefully, descriptions of improvements and extensions that I manage to make.

Project blog posts

  • Variable rate shading (Oct 13, 2023, work in progress): A brief description of VRS, how the Raptor engine implements it, and my attempts to add a debug visualization.
  • TODO: Frame graphs.
  • TODO: GPU-driven rendering.
  • TODO: Clustered deferred rendering.