About me

Hi there! I’m a rendering engineer interested in physically-based rendering, real-time graphics techniques, and light transport theory. I’m currently a graduate student of Computer Graphics at UPenn (‘23-‘25).

Previously, I earned a BSc in Computer Science from Tecnológico de Monterrey in 2010 and a BSc in Mathematics from Indiana University in 2023.

In the past, I worked in Silicon Valley for Oracle on the kernel of the Oracle database server, for Apcera (now a subsidiary of Ericsson) on a container runtime and orchestrator for the cloud, and at HOVER doing real-time rendering and geometry processing.

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My personal projects include a physically-based offline renderer (CPBRT), a real-time DirectX12 toy renderer (CDXR), and various HLSL and GLSL shaders featuring well-known rendering techniques.

This year (2023), I’ve been learning Vulkan and modern rendering techniques through Mastering Graphics Programming with Vulkan, a fantastic book altogether: GPU-driven rendering, meshlets, clustered deferred rendering, DDGI, and frame graphs (which blew my mind). I’ve written a little bit about this in my Vulkan Renderer Study. I have also worked on a few interactive graphics and animation projects of the MSE in Computer Graphics at UPenn.

CPBRT (2020-today), the offline renderer, is the result of studying version 3 of the PBRT renderer of Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation, writing down the code fragments in the book, and filling in the gaps. As soon as the fourth edition came out, I began backporting the GPU-accelerated WavefrontPathIntegrator of Chapter 15. Wavefront Rendering on GPUs; it’s work in progress.

CDXR (2022), a real-time, hybrid rasterization-raytracing renderer on top of NVIDIA’s Falcor, is the result of following Chris Wyman’s SIGGRAPH courses and extending the renderer with various techniques found in the Ray Tracing Gems series, implemented using the DirectX Raytracing (DXR) API.

I have also implemented a few rasterization-based effects using the DirectX12 API: shadow mapping and stencil mirrors. And a few more basic effects in OpenGL, such as image-based lighting with irradiance maps and environment mapping reflection and refraction via cubemaps.



A hybrid rasterization-raytracing renderer based on DirectX 12, DirectX Raytracing, and NVIDIA’s Falcor. Continue reading CDXR

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