CIS 5620 Animation

A graduate-level course that teaches the math behind fundamental animation concepts, techniques, and tools, such as frames of reference, homogeneous matrices, rigid-body transformations, orientation representations and their conversions (rotation matrices, Euler angles, quaternions), position interpolation using Catmull-Rom and Hermite splines, Bézier curve construction using Bernstein polynomials, the de Casteljau algorithm, and matrix methods; Euler angle and quaternion interpolation; Forward Kinematics; and Inverse Kinematics solvers, such as limb-based, cyclic coordinate descent (CCD), and the pseudo-inverse method.



Linear splines. Cubic Catmull-Rom splines and Hermite splines. Bézier curve construction using Bernstein polynomials, the de Casteljau algorithm, and matrix representation. Continue reading Splines