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A hybrid rasterization-raytracing renderer based on DirectX 12, DirectX Raytracing, and NVIDIA’s Falcor.
CDXR is my real-time toy renderer. Based on the Falcor framework and the DirectX Raytracing API and following Chris Wyman’s SIGGRAPH courses and the Raytracing Gems series, CDXR implements a hybrid rasterization-raytracing configurable pipeline.
Check out the source code on Github.
- One-bounce diffuse global illumination.
- Deferred rendering via G-Buffer.
- Ray-traced ambient occlusion.
- Denoising and antialiasing via temporal accumulation and camera jittering.
- Thin lens camera and depth of field.
- Tone mapping.
- Lambertian diffuse reflection and microfacet reflection models.
- Unidirectional path tracing.
- Ashikhmin-Shirley BRDF.
Select images
01/13/2023 Unidirectional path tracing, Ashikhmin-Shirley BRDF. Assets by NVIDIA.
The Ashikhmin-Shirley BRDF models surfaces that have a diffuse substrate and a glossy coat. To sample it, its diffuse and specular terms are chosen with 0.5 probability each. When the diffuse term is chosen, the incident direction \(\omega_i\) is sampled using a cosine-weighted distribution; when the specular term is chosen instead, \(\omega_i\) is sampled using a microfacet distribution (I chose Trowbridge-Reitz because that’s what PBRT uses for its substrate material).
01/09/2023 Unidirectional path tracing, combined Lambertian and specular BRDFs, and visibility testing. Assets by NVIDIA.
09/28/2022 Direct lighting on a microfacet reflection model. Assets by NVIDIA.
09/28/2022 Direct lighting on a microfacet reflection model. Assets by NVIDIA.
09/28/2022 Direct lighting on a pure Lambertian reflection model. Assets by NVIDIA.
07/06/2022 1-bounce GI and hard shadows. Assets by NVIDIA.
05/13/2022 Occlusion testing with shadow rays, with and without depth of field. Assets by NVIDIA.
05/13/2022 Lambertian diffuse reflection, with and without depth of field. Assets by NVIDIA.